Transformer police car prowl
Transformer police car prowl

transformer police car prowl

Originally a Diaclone "Police Car Fairlady Z", Prowl was one of the original assortment of Autobot Cars released in 1984. Known designers: Kōjin Ōno (TakaraTomy).Accessories: " acid pellet gun", left & right missile launchers, 3 "wire-guided incendiary missiles".(Bio, system description and story translations originally from Fan to Fan website. Please initiate preparation for mind transfer.” Therefore, let us light this unit with the spark of life. But right now, the world needs Prowl’s capabilities.

transformer police car prowl

If that’s the case…” Calling Wheeljack and Ratchet, he said, “I believe that some day he will come back. “Your knowledge and your personality are already installed within this unit. Your battle computer was damaged, and I substituted-“ Suddenly, something flashed across Chip’s mind. “20 years ago, we met up through your online communication. The next day, Chip Chase thought back, in front of the BT unit once meant for Prowl. But just when they thought it was safe, due to the unstable nature of the subspace link, the connection was suddenly severed and Prowl’s separated core unit signal lost! Unable to do anything to locate the lost core, Wheeljack was overcome with helplessness. Though reluctant due to the long distance, he decided to activate the GT system, successfully transferring Prowl’s life core into subspace, the very moment enemy forces led by Laserwave, breached the spaceship’s hull, attacking Prowl. “His fated scenario has begun,” sensed Wheejack. Meanwhile, an emergency comm link was received from Prowl who was investigating Decepticon activity near the rings or Saturn, stating a situation of heavy enemy pursuits. While investigation for remaining Decepticons continued in various regions of the universe, on Earth, the production of the duplicate shells was progressing: likewise, the transplantation of each Autobot personality data was nearing a finish under the Body Shop Project. Normally, it will be on standby as Prowl’s backup GT unit, but if situation requires, it can be reactivated as emergency duplicate for other Autobot warriors such as Streak or Tracks.

transformer police car prowl

The BT-15 was developed to be a Generic Host Shell that allowed no limitations in regards to the type of user. * BT-15 “GHS” unit is a blue bodied civilian car. The Blight Stick, used for hand to hand combat, allows instant immobilization of an enemy with a disruptor surge infusion.

transformer police car prowl

In addition, utilizing functional plastics, the interior can be modified as well.Įquipped weapon is a semi automatic Acid Pellet Gun that fires continuous shots of powerful acid rounds. In vehicle mode, the exterior has been programmed with police car patterns from police forces worldwide, allowing him to change his appearance if needed. However, because the original body was destroyed before the GT network was activated, the BT-15 model now functions as his Primary Unit. The BT-15 model, built by Honda, was initially designed to become Prowl’s duplicate body, “Prowl 2”, in the aforementioned Body Shop project (*). The Body Shop Project is a plan that utilizes the GT technology to create duplicates of a TF, thus achieving the objective of significantly increasing the survival rates of the Autobot warriors.

Transformer police car prowl